Liberty April 2, 2024 Ballot IssuesOn January 22, 2024, the Liberty City Council voted to add a General Obligation Bond issue to the April ballot.
On April 2, 2024, Liberty voters will have the opportunity to consider the following ballot measure:
Shall the City of Liberty, Missouri, issue its general obligation bonds in the amount of $60,000,000 for the purposes of acquiring, constructing, renovating, improving, and equipping the parks and park property in the City, including without limitation (1) acquiring, constructing, and equipping an Activity Center and (2) renovating and improving the existing Community Center?
Liberty Activity Center Concept Images

Important Dates to Remember:
- Feb. 20 - First day of absentee voting
- March 6 - Last day to register to vote. Mail in registration must be postmarked by this date.
- March 19 - First day of no excuse absentee voting
- March 20 - Last day to request an absentee ballot by mail
- April 1 - Last day of in person absentee voting
- April 2 - Election Day