Most of the violence we see in KC consists of dumb teenagers name-calling each other and escalating to violence, with citizens getting caught in the crossfire. It seems to have been much the same with the shooting at North Kansas City High School last month. So this appears to have been some young thugs getting into needless beef with each other that bears similarity with the shootings at the Chiefs parade and a Crown Center shooting before that. Some people are wondering if this is all gang-related. This lil rock says probably not. Professional criminal gangs in the drug trade prefer not to shoot each other up, it is bad for business, brings police attention, and if it has to happen it is usually directed at someone "in the game" quietly.
Apparently, two groups of teenage delinquents opened fire on each other with five different shooters expending over 50 rounds while managing to miss each other but hitting two innocent bystanders. This pontificating rock has one, comment; if you are gonna engage in such boneheaded behavior, at least engage in some target practice to tighten your shot group. If you cant hit what you are aiming at and cant practice basic gun safety you are scum.