Clay County Rejects Sanctuary Jurisdiction

Clay County Leads the Charge in Upholding the Rule of Law

In a groundbreaking move that is sure to leave a lasting impact on the American legal landscape, Clay County has boldly rejected any sanctuary jurisdiction for wetbacks illegal migrants. The county's Commission, led by the indomitable Commissioner Jerry Nolte, unanimously passed a resolution emphasizing their unwavering commitment to following state and federal laws.

Amidst what can only be described as a riveting debate over the importance of allowing public comments, Withington, the beacon of democracy himself, decided that there was simply no need for further discussion. After all, who needs public input when you have such a clear and unified consensus among the commissioners?

Well, it's hard to say for certain, but one could speculate that Commissioner Withington might have wanted to shut down public debate because, well, who needs the inconvenience of hearing what the public actually thinks? I mean, imagine having to consider differing viewpoints and engaging in meaningful dialogue – what a hassle! Perhaps he genuinely believed that the resolution had overwhelming support and saw no need for further discussion. Or maybe he was keen on sticking to a tight schedule and didn't want the meeting to drag on unnecessarily.

Then again, one could also cynically suggest that shutting down public debate conveniently avoids any potential challenges or criticisms to the resolution. It's much easier to pass something when you don't have to bother with pesky things like public opinion or dissenting voices.

However, not everyone was as thrilled about this efficient decision-making process. Commissioner Nolte, bless his heart, had the audacity to suggest that maybe, just maybe, the citizens who took the time out of their busy schedules to attend the meeting might have had something worthwhile to say. But fear not, dear readers, for Nolte swiftly shut down such heretical thoughts and moved the meeting right along allowing the assembled crowd to make comments

Commissioner Lawson, in a display of unparalleled social media prowess, had apparently been rallying the masses via posts and emails, encouraging them to attend the Commission meeting. Ah, the true spirit of democracy - drumming up a crowd to witness the swift and decisive passage of resolutions as it becomes apparent that Lucas is inviting migrants who have been shipped to New York City and welcoming them to move to Kansas City to find jobs. 

Commissioner Carpenter noted that while he was supporting the resolution, he was taken aback by the animosity towards Mayor Q-Ball Lucas, stating that he wished the discussions could have been more civil.

Lucas shared an interview he did with Bloomberg on his social media claiming he's working with New York Mayor Eric Adams and Denver Mayor Mike Johnston to ease migration pressure on their cities. Initially, Mayor Q-Ball made no distinction between lawful migrants and illegal aliens leading to Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey has been fuming and threatening to put the cuffs on Q-Ball. Meanwhile, Northland KC Councilman Nathan Willett was busy introducing a resolution against sanctuary zones that Mayor Q-ball will shut down real fast. Clay & Platte County Commissioners Jerry Nolte and Scott Fricker have served a joint statement on KC Mayor Lucas, inviting community, city, and other metro county commissions to join the effort and oppose the political move. The truth is that Q-Ball's Plans to make KC a sanctuary city for wetbacks and terrorists migrants will find little support among the Suburban councilmen and county commissioners in Clay, Platte, and Eastern Jackson County. No doubt Mayor Q-Ball truly wants to reflect the dictates of wokeness forward-thinking that will make KC into a shiny beacon of prosperity but every single clay county commissioners, liberals included made a criticism of the Mayor.

In the end, Clay County emerged victorious, proudly declaring its allegiance to the rule of law and legal immigration. The commissioners have shown the nation what it truly means to uphold democracy - by moving forward with unwavering determination, all in the name of justice. Truly, a shining example for us all.

By Josiah Bechthold
